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Panchakarma is an integral part of Ayurveda which helps achieve a balanced state of mind, body and consciousness through detoxification and rejuvenation. By cleansing the body's deep tissues of toxins, it provides solution to both preventive and curative aspects of diseases. In the present scenario of air and water pollution, stressful and sedentary lifestyle, adulteration of food material etc. the types of diseases are increasing day by day. Modern medical science, with several amazing advancements, is unable to provide permanent solution to several diseases. The associated side effects are another major shortcoming of modern medical treatments. Failure of contemporary medicines in prevention of major health burdens force us to revert back to the natural detoxifying procedures of ancient Ayurvedic Panchkarma. Having realized the importance of holistic healing, many have now become interested in our ancient wisdom of humankind that supplements the wisdom of the human body for survival. So, these days the systems of ancient healing are going very popular day-by-day. Modern Psychology too very closely follows the theory of Ayurveda in their process of healing.

Clinically tested

Our all services are clinically tested under the supervision of vaidyas

Dedicated Team

We are blessed with a team of talented and dedicated young vaidyas

What is Panchakarma?

As the name suggests, a term used to symbolize five medical procedures. Pancha in Sanskrit stands for five and Karma is the therapeutic measures, therefore Panchakarma means five types of therapeutic measures. These are:

Vamana Karma (Therapeutic Emesis):

It is a unique procedure of eliminating the Doshas or the toxins out of the body from upper rout in the form of induced vomiting. It is helpful in Bronchial asthma, Cough, Heart burns, Anorexia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Anemia, Obesity, Goiter, Urticaria, Psoriasis and many other ailments due to vitiated Cough and Pitta Dosha.

Virechana Karma (Therapeutic Purgation):

It is a procedure which helps in expelling the morbid accumulation of Doshas from the intestine by the way of induced purgation. It is helpful in various skin diseases, Acne, Chronic attacks of Fever, Vomiting, Nausea, Jaundice, Diabetes, Asthma and other ailments of liver & digestive systems due to vitiated Pitta Dosha.

Vasti Karma (Therapeutic Enema):

Vasti involves the introduction of herbal concoctions of sesame oil, and certain herbal preparations in a liquid medium into the rectum. Vata's predominant site is the colon and Vasti is the most effective treatment for Vata disorders. It relieves in Constipation, Distention of abdomen, Chronic Fever, Cold, Sexual disorders, Kidney stones, Heart pain, Backache, Sciatica and other Joints pains. Many other Vata disorders such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout, paralytic disorders, muscular dystrophy, headaches etc. may also be treated with Vasti chikitsa.

Nasya Karma (Therapeutic Errhines):

The nose is the doorway to the brain and it is also the doorway to consciousness. The nasal administration of medication is called Nasya. An excess of bodily humors accumulated in the sinus, throat, nose or head areas is eliminated by means of the nearest possible opening, the nose. The diseases which are well treated by Naysa are Throat diseases, Allergic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Swelling affecting all parts above shoulder, Mumps, Skin Diseases, Epilepsy, Hair problems, Headaches, Migraine, Voice constrain,

Rakta Mokshana Karma (Therapeutic Blood-letting):

Allowing the blood to bleed by different techniques for therapeutic purpose is known as Raktamokshna. It treats the diseases like Skin disorders, Herpes, Jaundice, Chronic Ulcers, Gout, Piles, Abscess, Leucoderma, Eczema, Deep venous thrombosis, varicose veins. These practices are extremely helpful in relieving deep seated diseases as well as being beneficial for maintaining and improving physical and mental health. Ayurveda considers it necessary before the start of any other therapy. The logic being that as a cloth needs to be purified or cleaned of impurities and dust before it can be permeated with a new color; similarly the body needs to be purified before it can be permeated with new colors of youthfulness, health and vigor etc.


15 Days Course

Day Activities
1st Snehpan
2nd Snehpan
3rd Snehpan Full body massage with Steam
4th Vamana/Virechana Karma
5th Samsarjana karma
6th Samsarjana karma
7th Anuvasana Vasti
8th Niruha Vasti
9th Anuvasana Vasti
10th Nasya karma (Shodhana)
11th Nasya karma (Shamana)
12th Patra panda pottali sweda
13th Patra panda pottali sweda
14th Shirodhara
15th Shirodhara

30 Days Course

Day Activities
1nd Snehpan
2nd Snehpan
3rd Snehpan
4th Full Body Massage with Steam
5th Vamana karma + Dhoompana
6th Samsarjana karma
7th Samsarjana karma
8th Patra Pinda Pottali Sweda
9th Snehapan
10th Snehapan
11th Snehapan
12th Full Body Massage with Steam
13th Full Body Massage with Steam
14th Virechana karma
15th Samsarjana karma
16th Samsarjana karma
17th Patra Pinda Pottali Sweda
18th Anuvasana Vasti
19th Niruha Vasti
20th Anuvasana Vasti
21st Niruha Vasti
22nd Anuvasana Vasti
23rd Niruha Vasti
24th Anuvasana Vasti
25th Anuvasana Vasti
26th Nasya karma (Shodhana)
27th Nasya karma (Shamana)
28th Nasya karma
29th Shirodhara
30th Shirodhara